Good Friday Service

Should Your Church Have a Good Friday Service?

As Easter approaches each year, many churches grapple with the question of whether or not to hold a Good Friday service. For some, it’s a longstanding tradition, observed for centuries as a day of mourning and reflection. But for others, it may seem outdated or unnecessary. So, should your church have one? We’ll explore the reasons why churches might choose to hold a service on this important day, and whether it’s worth considering for your own congregation.

Tradition: Good Friday has been observed for centuries as a day of mourning and reflection, and it holds a significant place in the Christian calendar. For many people, the opportunity to observe this day in a solemn and meaningful way is an important part of their faith.

Theology: Good Friday is seen as a crucial event in Jesus’ life and a symbol of the sacrifice he made for us all. Holding a service on this day allows the church to focus on this aspect of His story.

Reflection: Good Friday is a solemn day that marks the crucifixion of Jesus, and it’s a time for Christians to reflect on the significance of that event. A Good Friday service gives people space to repent of their own wrongdoing and seek forgiveness through Jesus’ sacrifice.

Community: This day serves as a powerful reminder of the shared beliefs and values that unite Christians around the world. By coming together to observe Good Friday, believers can experience a sense of solidarity and connection with one another, and can deepen their sense of belonging to the larger Christian community. For some, this can be a particularly meaningful experience, especially if they are new to the faith or have felt isolated in their spiritual journey.

Preparing for Easter: In order to fully appreciate the joy and significance of Easter, many Christians believe that it is important to first observe Good Friday and reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross. Holding a Good Friday service can help believers enter into the spirit of Easter by providing a time to meditate on the meaning of Christ’s death and resurrection. It can also be a powerful reminder of the hope and joy that comes with the Easter message.

Ultimately, the decision about whether to hold a Good Friday service really depends on your church’s identity and mission. Whether you want to honor tradition, foster community or promote reflection a Good Friday service can be a powerful experience that will enrich the faith of your congregation and deepen their response to your Easter worship.

The Worshipscores Good Friday Service Plan gives you ideas for a full order of service for contemporary worship: 2 Underscores (Call to Worship and Prayer of Confession), suggested Scriptures, songs, sermon topics and the bonus original closing song The Deep Deep Love of Jesus.

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