Advent Underscore

LISTEN: Advent Underscore PIANO version

Many churches have an Advent candle lighting part of their service where a narrator or family step forward, read a few Scriptures, light one of the candles and sing O Come O Come Emmanuel or something similar.

Here’s where the Advent Underscore ties your service together, giving you underscore music in pad or piano formats you can play under the Scripture reading and prayer. It’s based on O Come O Come Emmanuel and can flow directly into the singing of this carol. Since the Advent Underscore comes in any key you can use it to flow directly into any song you want.

Versatile & Interactive: The Advent Underscore has 3 sections which can be repeated and interchanged as necessary, and comes in every key to flow seamlessly into a congregational song.

Download Advent Underscores exclusively with a subscription. There’s nothing like Worshipscores on or off the Internet!

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