Worshipflow is now Worshipscores
A note from Don Chapman: I started Worshipflow.com nearly 20 years ago – I had an idea to transcribe the “noodling” music I’d play under prayers during my praise sets and create sheet music for pianists to play.
The website has evolved over the years until 2022 when I decided to rebrand Worshipflow into THREE websites:
Worshipscores: keyboard underscores for worship
Worshipflow: practical ideas to help your worship flow
Worshiphymns: hymns for modern worship
I like website names that describe what they’re about and I feel Worshipscores more accurately describes the downloadable underscores.
And now, 20+ years into the contemporary worship movement we’ve evolved past the “why” to the “how” – and I want to concentrate on nuts and bolts topics at Worshipflow.com like song selection, rehearsing and musicianship to support the next generation of worship leaders.
My prayer is that these websites will help you lead worship to the best of your ability for the glory of God. Contact us if you have any questions and thanks for visiting!